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The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors has approved a $2.2 million settlement in the lawsuit brought by multiple prosecutors against the county and its District Attorney’s Office.

DA’s office seal.

Filed by Mary Blumberg, Alison Chandler, Jill Henderson, Mary Knox and Rachel Piersig in District Attorney Diana Becton’s office, the plaintiffs alleged that under Becton’s leadership, not enough was done to promote women in the office, women were discriminated against because of their age, and more female representation was needed.

Blumberg, Henderson, Knox, and Piersig are still employed by the District Attorney’s Office, according to DA’s office spokesperson Ted Asregadoo. Chandler left county employment in February.

The settlement includes costs and attorneys’ fees. Asregadoo said in a statement Thursday that the settlement resolves all claims and includes a dismissal of the lawsuit — a copy of which was not immediately available.

“The county felt this was the best approach to allow the district attorney’s office to move forward,” the statement said.

Knox ran against Becton for her district attorney post and lost in June’s primary election.

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  1. Such a shame people in the county didn’t do their due diligence when re-electing Becton. Another 2.2 million of our tax dollars going to a discriminatory DA. Knox was a far better choice and representation.
    Research and then vote people! Don’t look at the political ads or signs to base your voting on.

  2. Agree with Disgusted. Of course the Board of Supervisors started this mess by appointing her in the first place in spite of the fact that she plagiarized parts of her application. Double disgusted.

  3. So, I am waiting to hear from those supporters of DA Becton, who argued that since the Town of Danville paid millions in settlement regarding the actions of the Danville Police Officer, she must have been right in also criminally prosecuting him. ..Crickets…Based on your own logic, the fact that the County paid millions in settlement to those victims who DA Becton illegally discriminated against in her own office, that means she must have committed those acts..Of course, they waited until shortly after the election to pay those victims who DA Becton illegally discriminated against, which is par from the course for someone who was caught plagiarizing her application for DA…It is time to recall DA Becton, now, before her illegal discrimination against her own office, and pro-criminal policies further endanger public safety in our county.

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