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U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Livermore) has scheduled a town hall meeting in his district for this Wednesday (Aug. 21) at Dougherty Valley High School in San Ramon.

San Ramon’s congressman will provide an update on recent and upcoming events in Washington, D.C., and take questions from local constituents.

“With just a few weeks left before Congress returns to Washington, I want to know what’s on my friends’ and neighbors’ minds,” Swalwell said. “It’s likely to be a tumultuous autumn, and I want to ensure that the 15th District is well-informed on what’s happening.”

Free and open to the public, the town hall will begin at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the DVHS Commons at 10550 Albion Road.

Jeremy Walsh is the editorial director of Embarcadero Media Foundation's East Bay Division, including the Pleasanton Weekly, and He joined the organization in late...

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  1. U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell,
    I would like to know if you support Term Limits for Congress, both the house and the Senate? Roughly 20 years ago we the people proposed term limits and it was shot down saying we needed people who knew what was going on. What a big mistake that was to allow this to happen. So my question is, Do you support the people, the ones you represent, in helping us pass term limits on congress?

  2. Sorry, but I won’t be coming. Eric was one of the politicians who ran as a reasonable moderate to get elected, but once in office made a hard-left turn into the orbirt of Mars. I’m sure his liberal-groupies will pack the room and push the narrative their way.He surly has become out of touch with most of his Tri Valley constituents. A shame.

  3. Swalwell hasn’t missed quite as many floor votes as has Kamala Harris (who has missed about 44% of this year’s Senate floor votes), possibly because he abandoned his ill-conceived bid for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Swalwell only missed 39% of House floor votes.

    On the plus side, from my own political perspective, it was an advantage for him to not be voting…. 🙂

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